Same thing with those folders I mentioned “Patriot” and “PD” that have to do with RGB also - not sure if they’re dragon center or not. Click the Install button in the lower-right corner of the window. The next time the workstation is restarted, the Dragon application will launch automatically. When the Run dialog comes up, type 'shell:startup' (without quotes) Go to the EDIT menu and click 'Paste'. Press the WINDOWS + R keys on the keyboard.

Program Files (x86)MSIOne Dragon CenterVoiceControl' and double click 'unins000.exe'. Windows 7/8/8.1/10: On the Windows Desktop, Right-click the Dragon shortcut and select 'Copy'. I’m just not sure if that’s something to do with my default RGB software, or if it’s something to do with dragon center, so I don’t want to delete it if it’s the former. One is how it looks at the start up and the other is a screenshot of the enlarged window. There’s also one folder in program files called “ENE”, and inside a folder called “Aac_ENE RGB HAL”, and in that a couple of dll files.

I’m just not sure where to look - in my program files there are a couple of folders, one called “Patriot” and one called “PD”, when I hover over them they have RGB related folders in them, but I’m not sure if those are just my standard RGB things. Get Started System Requirements yOperatingSystem: Windows 10 64-bit Supported Hardware yMotherboard: MSI X570 series motherboards or newer yGraphicscard: MSI GeForce RTX 20 & GTX 16 Series graphics cards or newer Installing DRAGON CENTER Go to MSI Website download DRAGON CENTER. I uninstalled normally but I think there are leftover files hidden somewhere because my lights have been flickering and I get random times when my PC seemingly shuts down for a few seconds then comes back. Youll have to manually navigate to the folder in Windows at 'C:Program Files (x86)MSIOne Dragon CenterVoiceControl' and double click 'unins000.exe'. Need help completely uninstalling dragon center