When you find one, install it using the instructions on the following page. To find a cursor you like, visit the Chrome Web Store to browse for extensions that allow you to customize your mouse. While there's no direct control over the mouse cursor in the Chrome OS settings, the operating system allows users to add customized cursors through third-party Chrome extensions. Add a third-party mouse cursor (Chrome OS) In this menu, you can also enable the Highlight the mouse cursor when it's moving option to display a red circle around the mouse cursor while it's moving. Move the Adjust cursor size slider until the mouse cursor is resized to your liking.Under Mouse and touchpad, enable the Show large mouse cursor option by clicking the toggle switch to the right.At the bottom of the Advanced drop-down, open the Accessibility menu.Unhide the Advanced drop-down menu by clicking it.

Press the Windows key, type Settings, and then press Enter.

To resize the mouse cursor in Windows 10, follow the steps below. If you change each cursor individually or modify a scheme with new cursors, we suggest saving your settings as a new scheme.