So, instead of guessing what you should keep or delete, let the system do the work for you. If you don't know what you're doing, fooling around with the registry could be fatal to the extend that it might cripple your computer. But when it comes to deep in house cleaning, the "do it yourself" method is the best way to go! The best I've seen is Registry Repair Wizard 6.80 (it also defrags your registry), Ccleaner and RegCure 3.02 (the latest versions of RegCure are full of "unneeded" crap) - you can download them from. These programs are good to keep your registry free from obsolete entries, file extensions, shared dll's problems and temporary files. Most registry cleaners (if not all) won't find these hidden entries and you'll end up just wasting time (some will even create problems that don't even exist like = "we found 3000 problems in your system" - and with a click of your mouse - voila all fixed- ha ha). Programs like NI Kontakt spread hundreds of entries all over your registry.

You still have lot's of registry keys spread out in secret unrecognizable folders and sub-entries (and these are the places where the developers place the installation date, serial numbers, OS information etc). But that's not the end of the whole process. Florida Studio), and other entries with the application's developer (e.g.

Going into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER-SOFTWARE (by purging the folders "software" and "Microsoft") will help remove the application's name (e.g. Yeah! Nothing could do it better that going into regedit and deleting the folders and subfolders as well as the entry keys manually.