All pearlecent, legendary, and Seraph assault rifles. Borderlands 2 Modding Tutorial Hybrid Grenade. Is there a complete list available in 2019? Old links to the imgur albums appear to not be working I can only find small groups of item codes via google searching. Bandit SMG with a B**** Barrel with Trespasser + Hydra + Shredifier barrels added to Elemental, Accessory 1, and Accessory 2 slots. I just started UVHM with one of my characters and I'm looking to get a good slag grenade cos I want to keep max dps and not have to switch guns cos im lazy, idc much about the damage, a low fuse time and all the correct properties are fine, if anyone can dupe me a copy thanks! Source from. So am i able to make any grenade mod with 3 affects as long as the affects are on the payload, delivery and mod itself? to instal it correctly. (Or, at least they find different ways to blow up.) gibbed and what you will need.

(Grenade Regen Code from SirUnmei) Run this mod AFTER the UCP or search out the Legendary Pointman Changes in the UCP and replace with this code. This is a repository for Community Mods made for the Borderlands series - BLCM/BLCMods. BL2: Comprehensive gibbed item codes list? As opposed to +5 in all skills boosted, these mods give +7 and +6 to two skills respectively as well as overall boosted stats … If you wish to change a part, there is an in depth tutorial in the "Tutorial" section of the site.

All weapons are made of the same part types as their manufacturer.