What's included in the two expansions of Age of Empires III? We'll be able to choose between 8 world powers, each with variable difficulty, with whom to combat for the rule of the world or establish trade, as well as these civilizations we will also encounter the Native American tribes, that can become our allies or our worst enemies.

Live the European colonization of America between the 16th and 19th centuries.Īs well as radical changes to the game's graphics (that are a lot better than in any of its predecessors), new effects (especially fire, smoke and water), and new units (with completely renovated artificial intelligence), the biggest improvement to the game is the new economy system, including trade routes and Metropolis. In Age of Empires 3, the action starts just after the discovery of the New World, with all the major European countries trying to get control of the biggest possible part of this new discovery, with all the riches that this included, and thus the action will continue up to the First World War. What's the story behind the original AOE3? I don't have Age of Empires 3 installed here to test it locally, but you should be able to find the game executable in the explorer.Age of Empires is undoubtedly one of the most important real-time strategy game sagas in the world, and the developers of this franchise (Ensemble Studios) always manage to surprise us with the new features that they include in each new installment. I haven't un- and reinstalled the game because I'm not sure if uninstalling would delete the game. I'm not sure if the game didn't install correctly or if there is some way to get to the game's properties to switch it to run with xp.

With this new download from Origin, I can click play in my library but cannot see the game in the Origin Game file on my computer. I previously had the CD copy of the non-expansion version and had to run that in windows xp and as the administrator in order to get it to work. I just downloaded age of empires 3 complete collection for my windows 7 64bit computer.